martes, 29 de julio de 2008

Filete Colectivo

In their own words from their blog, Filete Colectivo “are a bunch of crazy people who go around with their memories sharpened, their paintbrushes awake, and their readiness alert,” or in other words “artists and friends engaged in changing this world, making it a little more beautiful, a little more just.” Their slogan is “paintbrushes always on the side of the people, always against the enemies of the people.” They call themselves dreamers who live in reality with the idea that it is possible to work towards a world and humanity a little bit different than what we have now.

Among their activities are many many collaborative murals, usually with video and photo documentation and a blog created for each one afterwards. Some of the places they have painted murals are other cultural centers (including Flores Sur, which was actually the first mural F.C. painted under the name Filete Colectivo), flagpoles in parks, at olla populares ('popular pots' i.e. free food in the street with the roads blocked and a fire going with pots of food heating on it being served to anyone who stops by), and even actions in art museums. They are linked with many other groups and organizations and almost all activities are done in collaboration with other organizations. They use the words ‘recover’ and ‘intervene’ for activities done without permission in public space. They also put a lot of their time into working with kids and giving classes and workshops and getting in the street with new people and starting with youth as a place to think about making change.

At this moment they are in a transitional phase, taking a break from intense non-stop action and activity and restructuring the group dynamic and thinking through the meaning of all of their activities. This meant that although they were one of the groups I was most excited about participating with, I didn't actually ever get to beyond talking with Grone and Sofia. But even those hours of conversation left me with an overwhelming feeling of inspiration and ideas.

you can check out their really extensive blog here:

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